A sleep study from your sleep specialist in Columbia SC can help you sleep better

Do you struggle to fall or even stay asleep? You could have a sleep disorder. Occasional tossing and turning are normal, but if you find yourself continually having trouble sleeping, it could be an early sign of a potentially serious condition. It could mean you need a sleep study.

Dr. Richard Bogan at Bogan Sleep Consultants in Columbia SC is an expert at solving sleep difficulties, and he can help you too by performing a sleep study.

What is a sleep study?

It’s a test to determine sleeping patterns and behaviors during sleep. A sleep study measures and records important body functions including heart rate, respiration, airflow, muscle tone, and oxygen saturation. Your eye movements and EEG activity are also tracked to check stages of sleep, including when you fall into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.

Using the information gained from a sleep study, your doctor can diagnose conditions like these:

  • Insomnia
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Walking in your sleep
  • Narcolepsy
  • Restless leg syndrome

A sleep study is recommended if you are experiencing:

  • Frequent, loud snoring
  • A choking, gasping sensation when you wake up
  • Daytime grogginess
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Morning headaches
  • A sore throat most mornings

A sleep study can help your doctor determine what is causing your sleeping difficulties. Then your Columbia SC doctor can develop a customized treatment plan designed to help you sleep well again.

If you are living with an undiagnosed, untreated sleep disorder, it can have serious consequences including memory problems, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, poor performance at work, and it can potentially shorten your life.

Learn more about sleep studies today

A sleep study is important to the length and quality of your life. To learn more about how a sleep study can benefit you, talk with an expert, your sleep specialist. Call Dr. Richard Bogan of Bogan Sleep Consultants in Columbia SC at (803) 251-3093. Call now!