How CPAP titration from your sleep specialists in Columbia, SC, can help you sleep well
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, chances are your sleep specialist has recommended a continuous positive airway pressure machine, commonly known as a CPAP. Your sleep specialist may have also recommended a CPAP titration study, to help you sleep and breathe better.
Drs. Richard Bogan, Laura Herpel, and Melissa Hummel at Bogan Sleep Consultants in Columbia, SC provide a wide range of sleep medicine services including CPAP and CPAP titration, to help you sleep well.
So, what is CPAP titration? It’s a study to determine the appropriate settings for your CPAP machine. CPAP titration is similar to a general sleep study, with the addition of the CPAP face mask.
During the CPAP titration study, you will be in a private sleeping area, where you will sleep during the night. Sensors are attached to your head and body while you sleep. You will wear the CPAP during the study. A technician will adjust the mask gradually until you are breathing and sleeping normally.
Before your CPAP titration study, it’s important to:
- Do not drink or eat any caffeinated products after noon on the day of the test.
- If you drink alcohol regularly, have your same amount on the day of the test
- If you don’t drink alcohol or rarely drink alcohol, don’t drink alcohol on the day of the test
- Wash and dry your hair to remove hair products, which can interfere with the sensors
- Remove nail polish from one of your index fingers, for placement of the oxygen sensor
- Don’t take a nap on the day of the study
- Bring your medications with you so you can take them before bed and when the study is completed in the morning
To learn more about sleep apnea treatment, CPAP, and CPAP titration, call Drs. Richard Bogan, Laura Herpel, and Melissa Hummel at Bogan Sleep Consultants in Columbia, SC. You can reach them in the office by calling (803) 251-3093, so call today.